Kharidar Syllabus PAPER II: – Science & Mathematics
1. Science 50 Marks

1.1 Motion and Energy
1.1.1 Measurement and unit.
1.1.2 Newton’s laws of motion.
1.1.3 Newton’s universal law of gravitation.
1.1.4 Archimedes’ principle and its application.
1.1.5 Work, energy and power. 
1.1.6 Sources of energy and it’s conservation.

1.2 Physical activities around us
1.2.1 Reflection and Refraction of light.
1.2.2 Lenses and their use. 
1.2.3 Transmission of heat and heat equation. 
1.2.4 Effects of echo and reverberation.

1.3 Current electricity and magnetism
1.3.1 Ohm’s law. 
1.3.2 Effects of current electricity.
1.3.3 Magnetic field. 
1.3.4 Principle of electric motor, generator and transformer.

1.4 Change in matter
1.4.1 Physical and chemical change. 
1.4.2 Ionisation and mixture. 
1.4.3 Acid, base and salt. 
1.4.4 Element, compound and chemical reaction.

1.5 Materials around Us
1.5.1 Properties and uses of oxygen, carbon dioxide and ammonia. 
1.5.2 Introduction and uses of methane, ethane, ethyl alcohol and glycerol. 
1.5.3 Introduction and uses of cement, ceramics, soap, plastics, chemical fertilizers
and insecticides. 
1.5.4 Hard and soft water. 

1.6 Living beings and Environment
1.6.1 Life cycle of mosquito and mustard.
1.6.2 Ecosystem and food chain. 
1.6.3 Bio-geochemical cycle.

1.7 Life Processes
1.7.1 Respiration, photosynthesis & transpiration.
1.7.2 Human nervous system. 
1.7.3 Blood circulation in human beings. 

1.8 Organic evolution and heredity
1.8.1 Mendel’s experiment and law. 
1.8.2 Darwinism, evidences of organic evolution, D.N.A. and R.N.A. 

1.9 Earth and the Universe
1.9.1 Solar System, black hole, eclipse and phases of moon.
1.9.2 Weather and seasons.
1.9.3 Natural resources.

1.10 Information and communication technology
1.10.1 Information and communication. 
1.10.2 Internet and computer as a means of
1.10.3 Positive and negative effects of modern technology.

2. Mathematics 50 Marks

2.1 Fundamental Rules in Mathematics and Unitary Method
 (Simple problems upto three variables).

2.2 Percentage
• Problems related to change in fraction as decimal or percentage or vice versa.
• Simple verbal problems on percentage, including family budgets.

2.3 Profit, Loss and Discount
• Simple problems related to actual profit or actual loss, percentage profit or percentage loss or discount (any one).

2.4 Commission and Taxation
• Simple problems on commission, taxation and bonus.

2.5 Simple Interest and Compound Interest
• Simple problems on simple interest and
compound interest, rate and time in whole number and time upto 2 years.

2.6 Population Growth and Compound Depreciation
• Simple problems on compound depreciation or population growth, time 2 years before or after and rate is whole number.

2.7 Household/Home Arithmetic
• Simple problems on daily household activities as meter readings of electricity and water, electricity, water and telephone bills and money exchange (any one).

2.8 Perimeter, Area and Volume
Simple problems to calculate the perimeter and area of triangular or circular or rectangular field, including square, using given measurements.
• Simple problems to calculate the area and volume of cylindrical or spherical field and volume of cube using given measurements.

2.9 Statistics
• To find solution of the problems using information given by pie- chart or line graph or
bar diagram.
• Simple problems related to calculate the average (arithmetic mean or median or mode or geometric mean or harmonic mean) of individual and discrete series by given data)